Monday, August 18, 2008

Margarita Mix Not Too Sweet

The audio book from the beginning to today

The first audio book in human history was produced in 1924. It was Hughes 'Danger'.

In the same year the record was produced in German.

was the conquest of the audio book began.

audio books with special effects ...
dissolved in 1938 the audio book "War of the Worlds" by HG Wells, the author of a mass panic on the North American east coast. The audio book is about aliens who land on Earth, and the world as we know it deform.

If you're a little gullible, or the audio book, which sounds on the radio, perceived as a real message, one would certainly come in panic ...

The first German Audio Book Publisher

According to a USA trip was Erik Schumm enthusiastic about the idea of producing audio books for the blind.

founded 1978 his own audio book publishers "Schumm talking books".

1995 was renamed the publisher because of the new publishing leader in "Steinbach talking books".

audiobooks today

Since 1924 to 2007 produced approximately 13,000 different audio books. Many prizes were awarded, including the hr2-best list.

audiobook productions are more complex. There are productions with up to 250 speakers and up to 105 hours as the length.


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