Sunday, June 8, 2008

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The Battle of Plataea

Image: The griechsche tactics based on the phalanx.

It is the summer of the memorable year 479 BC on the plain of Plataea. Some ruins were left of the ruined city left by the Persians.

On one side were the Greeks, the Persians on the other. 40 000 Greek warriors should propose here the about the same strong Persian army under the leadership of the Mardonios. The Greeks under the leadership of Pausanias had initially hesitated, but it was clear that the battle would be today.

The Greek hoplites featured on. Their lances were facing forward and their shields to fend off the blows and arrows of the enemy.

then gave the Spartan Pausanias the order to attack. The armor rattled, and the helmets of the Greeks were shining in the sun.

No wonder the Persians, they have welcomed with a hail of arrows. The Greeks held their shields in the air to avoid the arrows. For a few seconds for the Greeks, only the whistling of hundreds of arrows could be heard. Some had even taken.

The Greeks withdrew. Their shields were like pin cushions. The main armament of the Persians had once again shown its effectiveness.

little protection in the Camp arrived, the Greeks were preparing for the second attack. In several rows, they lined up.

it this time as pre piled, they were taken at the arrows. Their shields were directed upward, as the arrows of the Persians arrived.

Image: Persian and Persian cavalry archer.
The shouts agreement regarding Greeks could be heard, but the phalanx moved forward steadily. They reached the front ranks of the Persians and killed them. With the shields of the Greeks fought back from arrows and weapons. If was in the forefront of a Greek who moved to another.

was suddenly in the phalanx a vulnerability, which was produced by a flank movement. Mardonios took advantage of that and broke through personal together with 1,000 riders the vulnerability.

Pausanias held his nerve. He ordered his 5000 Spartans' shields to drill into the ground and the lances and so they were facing forward in the direction of enemy. The attack was repelled, the rider of the lances that pierced deep into Perdefleisch. The neighing of horses could be heard. Was panic among the horses that were bumping each other and sometimes even in the wrong direction.

Pausanias now advanced with his phalanx in front too. His Spartans continually pushed their spears to the front. A trail in the phalanx to beat, was not the Persians. They were driven back still further, while the other Greeks attacked the camp of the Persians.

Finally Mardonios fell from his horse and was immediately pierced by three Spartan spears. The Persians have been further overrun and the archers had to believe it. Finally had to surrender the Persians.

The Battle of Plataea and the victory on the Greek side had driven back the Persians for good. The Persian danger was banned forever and ended at the Battle of the 3rd Mykake Perische war.

fell in the battle including three sons of the Persian king, the commander and numerous Mardonios Members of the Persian elite.

Friday, June 6, 2008

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Hannibal ante portas!

It was the year 216 BC. The helmets of the Roman legions, glittering in the sun. There were 80,000 in number, also were many spears it. 20 legions, the last of the mighty Roman Empire innenländischen reserves stood here at the site Cannae. They should stop the gerade18-year-old Hannibal, who had crossed the Alps with a powerful army and had lost 30,000 men and countless war elephants. It should be the final battle, after many defeats Rome.

Hannibal had less than half the Carthaginian soldiers, as the Romans. 40 000 80 000 Carthaginians against the Romans. One was a Roman confident. Since it would not help that Hannibal was a brilliant strategist

On the other hand, the Carthaginians were with their war elephants. They were exhausted from the long march. Another plus point for the Romans. blew When the Roman generals to attack, ran a confident army of the Carthaginians. Effortlessly, the Romans broke through the middle. The front was very bad there. All the Romans were fighting now. At that moment a conversion of the Carthaginian troops, who set the standard for hundreds of years of military history would. While the Romans fought, they were trapped by the strong edges of the Carthaginians. The Romans were surrounded. Now they were attacked from all sides and defeated. The Battle of Cannae

plotted by Piotr Tysarczyk:


Image:Cannae 1 pl.svg


Image:Cannae 2 pl.svg

Hannibal had with this so expect another victory, not a single defeat. The Roman general Scipio and his fleet, he had avoided successfully, and he conquered or liberated areas of Roman rule. Then he came to Rome on. But then stopped the onward march.

While Hannibal fought and suffered the losses that is, he was cut off from fresh troops and Scipio had the Carthaginian possessions in what is now Spain under attack. He also attacked Carthage to open. Hannibal had to go back-to Carthage.

There he faced the legions of Scipio and suffered his first defeat. Rome saw after the victory for the recapture and Hannibal was forced to flee the country.

When he learned in old age, that the Romans knew where he was, and they wanted to execute him publicly, he poisoned himself, he could not endure this humiliation. Rather be dead if the Romans come, as are killed by the Romans.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

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The Battle of Thermopylae

It is August of the year 480 BC The 300 Spartans, under the leadership of King Leonidas stood before the pass of Thermopylae. Then came the Persians. A huge mass with spears and swords armed. The huge Persian army of Xerxes was composed of several thousand Mann.Sie fought against the 300 Spartans and 700 other allies. The Greek phalanx was still firmly in place when the first Persian gathered against them. Dozens of Persians died.

more Persians were the spears of the Spartans to the victim. Now attacked the Persian cavalry. A dense mass of riders came upon the phalanx. Horses died. The mass was in a panic and the retreat order was given. Shortly after the Persian arrows darkened the sun. The Greeks raised their shields. Everywhere a whistle was heard, met when the Persians arrows at the Greeks. A few screams were heard, some arrows were made. Now the cavalry attacked again. The snorting of the horses was heard and her galloping. This time they broke through. That the Spartans again be succeeded by other soldiers handed, either.

The Spartans killed many enemies. The phalanx was not very strong, Persian infantry penetrated.

King Leonidas killed many enemies, even his hardened Spartans sowed death in Spartanereihen. But the Persian supremacy killed many of the enemy. Also, the Spartan King Leonidas fell. The Spartans and their allies fought to the last man then the Persians had won.

The Battle of Thermopylae was not a victory of the Greeks, but the Persian army lost thousands of its 50,000-man strong army.

Perhaps the Spartans would have had less "success" would be because of the non-Spartan Ephialtes of Trachis been, who saw to it that the Thermopylae, the Persians could walk around easily. The Spartan King Leonidas sent away about 5,000 of its allies, who returned to their respective cities.

The path through the Thermopylae was about 15 m was breit.Es take for the Persians of enormous importance it because without it, the Persians were able to advance to Athens. Later, however

before they found a deserted Athens. The Persians sacked and destroyed it, but in the battle of Salamis, the Greeks were able to assert itself on the sea against the enemy ...

In the picture, the advance of the Persians is traced illustrated by The Department of History, United States Military Academy .


Image:Battle of Thermopylae and movements to Salamis, 480 BC.gif

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

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The Battle of the Amphopolis

Image:Greek Phalanx.jpg
picture: the phalanx consisted of a long battle line. Shields protected the warriors, the spears to kill the enemy. Among the Macedonians were the Lances even longer. Alexander the Great did to cope. Finally, the Romans were victorious against the Macedonian phalanx.

It is the year 422 BC were the 1200 Athenian warriors at the gates of Amphopolis. 300 cavalry were with them. In there were the Spartans. The Athenian commander Cleon waiting for the heroic Spartans would leave Brasidas under their protection. Cleon waited, but the Spartans made no move to leave the protective walls. The Athenian strategist finally gave up. He gave the order to retreat. Slowly, the army began to move, Cleon at the top.

suddenly heard a roar and shouting the hoplites. Cleon saw the reason. The gates were open the Amphopolis, a Spartan phalanx was there. A thick shield wall protected the Spartans, their outstretched spears made it the enemy is not possible to break through the line of battle. Some spearheads were already colored red. The 1500 hoplites and horsemen had no time to form a phalanx. Relentlessly continued the Spartans on their way.

exulted The Spartan commander Brasidas. The baffled Athens should be destroyed quickly.

Die Grafik "" kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält.
Picture drawing by Marsyas.
The Spartans dominated the Peloponnese islands. By Spartans subjugated Helots took part in the Battle of Amphopolis.

But some Athenians began to Deffensive. They came running up to the Spartan Phlanx. Brasidas thrust his spear forward and met with resistance. An Athenian shield protected the vehicle. With battle cries, the Athenians finally burst through the phalanx. Menlaos was thrown to the ground. His lance he threw on a Greek. Other Spartans rushed to help. Several Athenian hoplites were killed.

more Athenian hoplites come. A Spartan was killed by two hoplites. The soil turned red as the blood spurted more Greeks to the ground. Brasidas took his sword and his shield was fixed in the arm. A Athenian hoplite with spear was stormed to Brasidas. Brasidas important to side and beat away the lance. The sword killed the hoplites.

Another Hoplite fell victim to his lance.

As Brasidas again looked to the front, a lance flew up to him. Brasidas raised his shield. Something wet running down his arm. It was his blood. The enemy hoplite came with two others. Brasidas killing two, the last buried his sword in his shoulder. However, he also died by the sword of Brasidas. Although

fell in the battle of Amphopolis in Greece, the Spartan commander Brasidas, killing the army of 600 Spartans Athenians. Supposedly only 7 Spartans have fallen from 2300 Spartans.

The Spartans were victorious thanks to their surprise attack, but their phalanx also contributed to the victory.

In the battle against the Amphopolis died Cleon, the Athenian strategist and Brasidas. After this great battle of the Nikiasfrieden was signed, but not too long lasted ...