Saturday, August 23, 2008

Triangular Shaped Storage Basket

photos from the Natural History Museum in Berlin

What Is The Penalty For Using A Fake Coupon

The Hundred Years' War

As 1328 französchische last king, he did not know what to break out a power struggle would ...

was after the Salic law of succession now Philip VI. , turn to take control of one of Europe's great powers.

But that was not so easy. Because of his ancestry Edward III raised. , the English king claims to the kingdom, was because his mother was the sister of the French monarch.

broke out, the longest war of the Middle Ages.

England had gone many possessions in France, a large part, however, was lost in the last century.

When Philip the possessions of France in the English occupied, the war broke out for good.

In 1340, Edward was in England.

Erf ührte except the "usual" or 8000 Welsh longbow archers with the first battle in the very best.

get the French cavalry and infantry were cut down by several dozen thousand arrows.

After eleven months of siege could take the English and Calais, which had to capitulate.

accepted 15 years later, Edward's son, also called "Black Prince", mean the successor of Philip, John II near Poitiers trapped in her second major victory.

was in 1360 finished the first war by the Peace of Brétigny.

Edward renounced the possessions in France and takes for a high ransom and a few areas in France.

began, however, by 1369 under the French ski's King Charles V, the Wise the acts are fighting again.

He recaptured many possessions in France from England and defeated with the help of the Castilians from what is now Spain, the English fleet at La Rochelle.

Bild:Jean Fouquet - Remise de l'épée de connetable à Bertrand Duguesclin - Enluminure (XVe siècle).jpg
made by Jean Fouquet image. It shows Karl, the French ski's King.

died in 1376 English Trhonfolger Edward of Woodstock, and next year his father, which ended the hostilities of the English for a while.

Both sides signed a peace treaty that gave them a 28-year break.

However, the peace did not last forever ...

moved 1413 of the throne of its owner. Henry V then took over England, and raised as his predecessor, claim to the French throne.

The fighting began again ...

He decided to reclaim the Normandy, but forced into the French army to a standstill and he went back, but eventually it did come to the battle of Agincourt.

There were the 6000 British, of which 5000 archers, 11,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry and 4,000 crossbow and archery meet.

rushed the arrogant French rider immediately in the battle ... and got stuck in the mud because the ground was soaked from the rain.

now they could easily be defeated by the British.

The shaft ended in spite of the superiority of France after a panic with the victory of the English.

5000 nobles and knights of France had fallen. The English had only 100 men lost.

Many other victories have been won by the English.

Finally came the English Expansion to a halt. Led by a peasant girl, Joan of Arc beat the French back to English.

The French ski king betrayed, and ended at the stake. That's what I call gratitude ...

lost in the last phase of the war the British.

The most important adviser of the English king was banished by the Parliament and the mischief could not turn away.

1815 neglischen still the monarch called on documents kings of France, in 1920, finally ended that.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Best Machine Made Cigars

The Civil War

In this article I will make a big leap in time, from antiquity to the North American Sezzesionskrieg.

It is hard to believe, but gave it in the North American South until the late 19th Century still slaves.

The situation between the North - and South came to a head more and more, until the U.S. elects a president, who was considered an enemy of slavery. His name was Abraham Lincoln
author of the picture: Alexander Gardner (1821-1882)

the southern states did not like it. They were very dependent on agriculture, and the slaves were not as expensive as salaried workers.

The northern states were very industrial.

in their cities, many workers were employed in the factories that produced there are all sorts of things.

also weapons.

Bild:USA Map 1864 including Civil War Divisions.png

Dark blue: northern states without slaves.
Light Blue: Northern States with slaves.
Red: South (Confederate States), with slaves


The southern states joined together schielßlich. They now formed the Confederate States. They elected their own president, Jefferson Davis .


photo by Mathew Brady

On 12 April made the Confederate States the first train, shot by a Union fort.

Initially, both sides were not sure about the impact of the war. They were disastrous. The civil war claimed more lives than all other wars in which Americans were involved.

Half a million people died, and there were also many wounded.

After the first battle won by the Confederate States of America, the Northern States were aware that they had to build a powerful army.

The Northern States tried to take the Confederate capital, but they failed.

1863 occupied the northern states, many strategically important places in the South. So they shared the confederacy in two.

was also fought at sea.

President Jefferson Davis offered to those "trunk letters of marque, which attacked the ships of the Norstaaten or the Union.

In the bay Chesapeake Bay 1862 there was an extraordinary battle.

It all started with the fact that the confederation when the war began a naval arsenal seized by the Union in Norfolk. They fell into the hands of some vessels, including the steam frigate Merrimac, which they sailed round and enclosed in their arsenal.

under the name "Virginia" 1862 she swam the naval blockade of the Union, but not without having to attach to the side plates 8 cm thick iron plates. The ship was sent with heavy guns to the front.

accompanied by the gunboats "Beaufort", "Jamestown, and" teaser ", it should break on 8 March, the naval blockade.

The gunboat of the Union," Congress "the ships greeted with a hail of bullets, which unfortunately at the" Virginia rebounded.

Then direct the guns of the "Virginia" on the "congress", and inflicted enormous damage on the ship so that it in shallower waters swam.

The cannons of the "Cumberland" had more success, and their shots came through the loopholes and destroyed two guns and put 20 men out of action.

The Virginia but approached without stopping to let the "Cumberland" and rammed it.

The guns of the Union ships could not reach the ship. In the dead angle of the "Cumberland" swam the "Virginia".

The "Cumberland" disappeared in the floods of water, and had been looking for the "Congress", the protection in shallower waters. burned soon under the hail of bullets Konförderationsschiffe ...

Nevertheless swam the "Virginia" back to the shipyard, and the reason was lack of ammunition and the wounding of the commander.

later one day, on 9 Floated in March 1862, the "Virginia" back to the naval blockade of the Union.

But everything changed when the Confederate had planned it ...

On the other hand, dipped the "Monitor".

The Monitor was a modern ship with a tower, designed and built by the designer John Ericsson (* July 31, 1803 in Långbanshyttan ; † 8 March 1889).

The sides were protected by thick iron plates, and the ship was equipped with a rotating turret.

The battle began.


image: In the foreground, the "Monitor".

The "Virginia" immediately started the fire.

The answer came herübergeschwirrt a hail of bullets. The bullets bounced off the ship and the ships fired on and approached it up to 50 m.

the end of the fight lacked the "Virginia" to the chimney and the "Monitor" came the voice disappeared.

turned Finally, the "Virginia" and returned.

The fight was a draw.

The Union had been able to keep the naval blockade.

was the beginning of the end with the decision to make Abraham Lincoln Ulysses S. Grant to command the Union army.

He celebrated a Siegnach the others. On 9 April 1865 laid down an important part of the Konförderationsarmee weapons.

The rest of the army followed in the summer 1865th

On 18 December 1865 decided to prohibit slavery.

The U.S. was now after the victory of the North very industrial. This change also played in the World Wars a major role ...

Bild:Ulysses Grant 1870-1880.jpg

picture of Mathew Brady

Monday, August 18, 2008

Margarita Mix Not Too Sweet

The audio book from the beginning to today

The first audio book in human history was produced in 1924. It was Hughes 'Danger'.

In the same year the record was produced in German.

was the conquest of the audio book began.

audio books with special effects ...
dissolved in 1938 the audio book "War of the Worlds" by HG Wells, the author of a mass panic on the North American east coast. The audio book is about aliens who land on Earth, and the world as we know it deform.

If you're a little gullible, or the audio book, which sounds on the radio, perceived as a real message, one would certainly come in panic ...

The first German Audio Book Publisher

According to a USA trip was Erik Schumm enthusiastic about the idea of producing audio books for the blind.

founded 1978 his own audio book publishers "Schumm talking books".

1995 was renamed the publisher because of the new publishing leader in "Steinbach talking books".

audiobooks today

Since 1924 to 2007 produced approximately 13,000 different audio books. Many prizes were awarded, including the hr2-best list.

audiobook productions are more complex. There are productions with up to 250 speakers and up to 105 hours as the length.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Free Enounce My Speed

The Caucasus war and previous conflicts between Russia and Georgia

While students like me were in school, is everything in Georgia continues.

Despite the announced ceasefire in Georgia, Russian bombers continued to bomb Georgian towns, although the Russian president announced that the fighting and bombings have ceased.

The demands of the UN Security Council are to deduct the soviet sphere of troops to their previous positions.

Should be so simple?

In Georgia, thousands of civilians killed and destroyed many cities of Russian bombers.

You can not expect simply, the grass grows over the matter.

Georgian territory should accepted the opinion of U.S. President W. Bush on Russia.

The presidential candidates John McCain and Obama criticized the Russich military operations.

John McCain was of the opinion that the Russia-led military action against a Verbruch internatiole law would be.

Obama called on Russia as a great nation, to act as a force for peace.

The representative of Russia in the UN Security Council said that this was not acceptable.

Even before the Second World War conflicts prevailed between the two very different nations militarily.

Russia had offered Georgia, an association join against the so-called White Army.

Georgia refused. The Republic wanted to remain neutral, but wanted to make contacts with Russia in order to be accepted by them as Georgian Democratic Republic.

The rejection of Georgia led to the invasion of Russian troops in Georgia.

After Georgia was able to repel the Russian troops have resumed peace negotiations.

1920 was accepted as the Republic of Georgia by Russia.

In the same year came to a conflict that ended when there was a new Georgian government.

That occurred because the Georgian army was very badly organized. Also

today it is as before.

The Georgian republic is militarily very weak.

One advantage for Russia.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What Do The Stars On My Palm Mean?

Georgia fight back in Internet

It is hardly possible in recent days to escape the news of the Caucasus war.

The latest news report on the withdrawal of Georgian troops from South Ossetia.

However, the Russians give not satisfied, they march on in that moment on Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.

It seems like they wanted to overthrow the government and the place I want my serious crooks and puppets at the head of the republic.

are also worrying those numbers. It's not dead, but of the army.

The Russian consists of almost 400,000 soldiers, that the Georgians has a zero less. The number is 18,000 soldiers.

Even with the paramilitary (police) dominate large number of differences:
Russia: 418.000
Georgia: 11,700

The tanks of the Russians are 23,000, which the Georgians just over a hundred.

Transportation crew of Russians: 19,000

depressing: Georgia's 44th Troop Carrier

And how are nine Georgian warplanes much cause to 2,000 Russian? are suitable

military men and women in Russia 50,000.

Georgia: 2 million military compatible.

The Air Force includes 2,000 troops from Georgia.

The Russich consists of 160,000 men!

has been targeted yet, no nation in the war. Not even the U.S., and the other members of NATO.

Even the Georgian athletes have left Beijing for personal reasons to return to Georgia.

Russian hackers have ensured that many important pages internatiol Georgia are no longer accessible.

had since the Georgian Republic an idea. She put not a hacker, but she made a blog. And where? Blogger, the site where I got my blog.

Here's the page:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

Here is the link for another article in English:
El motivo de la invasion rusa it amarmante-inaceptable desde el punto de vista the derecho internacional

Russian hackers do not have the ability to hack Blogger because Blogger is safe and well.

owes the Russian invasion of Georgia, the death of many Georgians.

Let us hope that the right policy decisions are made, and the United States to support Georgia.

Let us hope that Europe does not support Russia, but Georgia.

There are horrific pictures from Georgia.

What is awful, the journalists go too far. A seriously injured woman is surrounded by cameramen who film them with cameras. All is full of camera flashes. No one takes care in what is the woman for a bad mental state.

I hope the Georgians can live again as soon as possible a peaceful and happy. This will certainly be in a few years. Nowadays, you can reach in a few days almost perpetual damage ...

The photos are from the Georgian blog from the article


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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Coca Butter And Blemishes

The slave revolts in the Roman Empire

Image:Jean-Leon Gerome Pollice Verso.jpg

The image was made by Jean-Léon Gérôme, and it shows a victorious gladiator.

On 2nd Punic War saw the Carthaginian general Hannibal that the Roman Empire stood at the edge of the abyss.

As Scipio saw to it that Hannibal lost the war, many citizens of Carthago Nova in Spain today were sold into slavery.

you were treated badly and got no reward. In the silver mines had 40,000 slaves working, which were neglected in the food area. If a slave committed a greater offense, he was crucified.

This led to revolts, first in rural slaves, who conquered the city of Enna, Sicily. The Syrian Eunus was appointed king.

grew in the next few years, the number of the slave army of 200,000 men allegedly

the slaves were later defeated by the consul Publius Rupilius, who recaptured some of its cities.

20 000 slaves were crucified 132 BC and fell of cliff.

The next major revolt took imJahre 104 BC instead.

The Roman Senate had decided to release a lot of slaves from allied nations.

Sicily tables slave traders sabotaging the preparations and a short time later broke the 2 Slave war in Sicily.

Also this army of 30,000 men was defeated by Publius Rupilius.

Then came the last and largest and most famous slave revolt that took place but at home. He is also known as Spartacus revolt, as was the leader Spartacus.

This left his gladiator school together with 78 gladiators without permission.

With an army of 200,000 slaves, including skilled gladiators, he moved to Gaul and Thrace, zurückzulotsen them in their homes. On the way his army defeated several Roman legions.

turned Later, the slave army inexplicably return south Brundisium do.

managed eight legions to the praetor Licinius Crassus
Spartacus and 60,000 slaves to kill, and the remaining 6000 were crucified.

The last reserves of the slave army was defeated 71 BC by Pompey, one of the main characters of the triumvirate ...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How Many Members In A Average Size Gym

The Battle of Adrianople

The met Huns from Asia and into Europe. In the 4th Century led to the resettlement of many large tribes, such Example of the Goths. Among them were the later Visigoths. Ostrogoths and Alans joined them. 376 AD they forced their refuge in the Roman Empire.

In the Roman Empire they were initially welcomed, as they defended as a return for the kingdom. However, it was not thousands of refugees granted asylum. In the next few years, the Visigoths were suffering from famine, the area awarded to them she could not feed everyone.

burst After two years of their collars and they went marauding through the Roman provinces (regions subjected to the Romans) of the Balkans. The Eastern Roman Emperor Valens

did not like it particularly, and introduced Sun he joined the Goths with 30,000 men

He did not wait for the 20,000 men-strong army the Goths, the only 300 km far from the city of Adrianople and marching his legions 18 km left to the wagons of the Goths. When he arrived, his army was exhausted from the march.

run in full battle gear 18 km through difficult terrain is not exactly a pleasure.

Fritingern, the Gothic leader asked for negotiations. Valens agreed.

However, the Roman cavalry saw to it that the Romans experienced the biggest defeat since the Battle of Cannae . She decided a reconnaissance attack, the first so seemed that he would bring success. However, the strong cavalry of the Goths, the imperial troops was in the back. The left flank of the Romans became lost in the flight of the right. It broke out of panic, as the Goths put the grass in front of their wagons on fire.

lost in a devastating fight the Romans 20 000 men

Monday, August 4, 2008

Compare Emu Stinger And Bronte

Sale Meller Falcon 1980

Here is even a prototype of a Hamburg-based. This car with 6 wheels set in 1980 by Karl-Heinz Meller in Hamburg on a shortened Beetle chassis.

The company Meller had then some deliveries to Saudi - Arabia handle and the then Saudi Prince asked Mr. Meller, if he could not construct for him a light hunting car for falconry in the desert and build. This car is the Hanseatic answer. The car is street legal !!!!!!! TüV unfortunately expired.

I prepared the engine and run some more work. For example, he has 2 new rear wheel cylinders, new VA - exhaust tips and more.
effort was made a small series production and Mr. Meller had already leased a factory in Ireland, where to begin manufacturing. This car (FG-# 1) 1981 was shown at the IAA in Frankfurt and there were several pre-orders accepted.
Mr. Meller made another car for the Saudi Prince, which was also delivered well. Then Mr. Meller died suddenly and his widow had no interest in the continuation of production and sold everything. Thus, this prototype came into private hands. Last He drove for many years on the island of Fohr. And for about 8 years he is in Kiel.

I have a folder with original documents to the resume of this unique vehicle.
The special thing about him, no doubt the 6 wheels. The front axle is original Beetle. The engine is behind the two seats, between the axles, so a mid-engine. The transmission of it.

stuck on the drive shafts, gear wheels, which transfer the force by means of duplex chain (within chain lockers) on waves that pass on the one hand the power to the wheels around (again via chains in boxes) and second, the Power back further to the rear pair of wheels forward, which in turn are driven by chains in boxes and oil bath. All four rear wheels are so driven, braked all 6 wheels.
climb to the (surprisingly comfy) seat even hand throttle on the carburetor. Beetle speedometer, fuel gauge and a few switches. Behind the motor is a deep bench. Front under the hood for the tank and the electrical equipment and space for a toothbrush.
The tires are former studded tires should be replaced.
The car has a roll bar and 4 additional lights mounted on it. However, no roof, although in the papers of a registered is.
Registered in the papers is also a 50 hp - Beetle engine. He should again have, for the currently mounted 34hp - engine is a bit weak.

I am last year in Hannover have been meeting on the beetle. At his own 3-axis of course. Peak current about 80 mph. Entered (50 hp) 110th

Otherwise, I'm in Schleswig - Holstein made a few trips and visited a few oldie meeting.
But the car is a "foreign body" in my type 3 - Fleet. Therefore, it is to be sold again.
The car is now since 2010 H-compatible. Who would want to demonstrate to the original state?
The car was insured with me as a bug.
He is now back at a friend's - is for sale but still.
ran Also: Anyone who wants a unique car with air-cooled - Technology in the garage? The Meller is operational and can be transferred at his own 6 wheels. Only a red number plate you need.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What Kind Of Shoes Do You Wear For Step Aerobics

Red Karmann 34

this is my second big Karmann, also a 1500 S in 1965, with of course not original paint. I have this car, by the way until now my most expensive type 3, for 1700 DM bought, which was 1988. I needed it really just the entire front. Meanwhile, the transplant is completed. This Karmann I have a few more years before seen on Oldie meeting here in the area. With a very rare pseudo - grille on the nose. Too bad I did not like this photo.

Ghia I have from this last year I removed all the necessary parts and sold the body.

Somewhere I still have a photo of the complete car or with the front, which now adorns my blue 34th. But better a car than cure 2 Bad.

Sometimes the room with me a bit short in the hall.

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My first variant "bed that," the White

Here are some pictures of my first Type 3 - Variant. Purchased by an old gentleman at first hand for a DM and drove 10 Winter. In 2001 I cut the car then. Many parts I have in my hall.
With this car we were running on other things in the Zillertal to the ski. There were (almost) never any problems with the car.
This photo shows the car in Starnberg near Munich. There we stayed at a friend at that time.

Here we see the Vari before the new paint (besides my red stage) in Kiel. Since I met through friends who hold a Kiel bed shop, I was able to trade a new painting when I went to the store for a few years of advertising. Therefore
got the car so professional - stickers on both doors and the tailgate. Looked very nice, and people looked around for it.
What I have supported by this Variant everything, even to the end for house construction, is almost unbelievable!
If I have other old photos digitized, I will be here to ask a few.

Cholotu Mexicanas Cachando

My beige first-hand Vari 1600 with glorious loose end

This is the story of my second variant first hand. I have the car for 400 DM and 10 years Order bought almost exclusively driven in winter. It was the company car a Kiel Florist. I found a long time to pine needles and the like in it. The old lady could not see while driving and would rather give up the store. So the car was also on. Click on the first picture I can paint the wheels ever again.

Several years ago we were at with the car in the winter in Lillehammer, Norway. Just a new set of winter tires bought and off we went. There were still piles of snow and it was constantly new stuff from the sky - it has the Vari but not disturbed. He ran without any problems. I had bought the car with 59,000 miles on the odometer. From today's perspective, I would not use him more in the winter. But where once he was now chosen as a winter car ...
With the car we were in Wolfsburg to the type 3 - Annual meeting and last year the beetle meeting in Hanover.
And so can end it if we are not careful or if you're unlucky. An explosion at the start resulted in less than a minute to fire the entire interior. And since nothing could be done - I could just push the car out of the hall. Previously had my red stage in their way - which had already abundant Blisters fetched. And when the outside Vari was the deletion was present in the hall. Fortunately we got the fire under control. Soon moved to the fire department. Including police and ambulances and so on. But the variant was beyond help. I would end up with the front axle, etc, including expanded.
Can I recommend to anyone. But if you want to see how a special series steering wheel looks like when the jacket is gone - if you please!