Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bible Verse About Housewarming

Mark your diaries now!

open day
on Saturday, May 23, 2009
von 11 bis 18 clock
the water tower Schifferstadt

How To Take Care Of Nose Herpes

80 years civil engineering at Zweckverband

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Adrian Głuchaczka

Caesar's rise

It was the 10th January 49 BC.

Marius stood in the front row of the 5,000-strong thirteenth legion from the river Rubicon.

Caesar waded foremost on his horse into the water of the border river.

Marius and the rest of the Legion waded after him, the standards were kept in the air.

"The die is cast!" Said Caesar. Marius looked back. Caesar was a cruel, but very good general. There was probably no better in their kingdom.

He remembered when her legion of Caesar was founded 8 years ago.

Caesar crossed the Rubicon River, as Marcus Licinius Crassus, a member of the triumvirate, in a Campaign had fallen.

The Senate of Rome wanted to avoid a second proconsul Caesar.

Caesar was going to Italy to conquer.

the forced march they had crossed the land of the barbarians to cross the Rubicon.