Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Medical Test Volunteers

Star Wars - The Force Unfinished

course, even this hype to the game left to go do not pass me by. On the one hand, because I think Star Wars very well partly because I'm an idiot and the propaganda of the developer believe.

In 'The Force Unleashed' is it, as the name suggests, the power and all their Zerstöungskraft that can be unleashed at any time. But this later. The game is set chronologically between Episode 3 and 4, which made the story quite well, unfortunately, much harm, since each of the films can be concluded finally knows how the game has to end forced moderation. Even to play Darth Vader's secret apprentice, who apart from that he is always humiliated by his mentor, is actually rather sent as a killer to do other Jedi. And here it is equal to go in the story (after the background as Darth Vader was even played - FUCK YEAH!). Transmitted to do the Jedi their lichtschwertet you through hordes of enemies. The light sword is controlled by the Wiimote. Depending on the direction in which her waving - left, right, down, up, straight - it performs a corresponding attack. The Nunchuck is used as a control for the power. With Z it grabs an enemy / object and then it can simply throw on it against the wall, stuff surrounding him, etc. It just never gets boring the enemy to come in the area around. The soundtrack is, of course 1A, but what was otherwise expected. And the last two boss fights are simply sensational.

all so well? No, no, no and no. The game is indeed quite fun, but a certain willingness to suffer must be Vorrausgesetzt. Where should I start with the problems ....
The graph is simply a cheek! It is again a one to one PS2 port presented without any treatment. The Wii has more than three times as much power as the almost 10 years old, Sony crutch. And even for PS2 standards it is not the best graphics. This also prevents any arbitrary Slowdows!
From the graphics to the German language edition. The speakers seem dull, also the recording quality is sometimes terrible and amateur level. Located in the dialogue, the language suddenly very dull and quiet, just the next moment to be crystal clear again.
And the controls? The motion detection for power has few knots, but this does not apply for the Wiimote, respectively, the Sword of Light. The recognition is slow responding, not at all bad to some, targeted combos are impossible. Solely good results are obtained with randomly shaking.
Did I just say the power can be stood up well? Well, here I do not want to be as fussy. You can even uses very well, except just this one, which destroyed almost everything sucks. The automatic sighting. It should help take objects. Problem: there are about half a million of them around in the area, and there fails because every sighting. Also
negative drops to the level design. Supposedly, one is in a virgilantly jungle, on the Death Star, etc. But it is hardly noticeable. This is presumably because the levels are ultra-linear, about five meters wide, but blocked 95% of the season left and right by high walls. These close
levels lead to the next problem, the camera, which is probably one of the most brutal in recent years that I've noticed. In principle, they depend remains almost everywhere, always shows targeted in the wrong direction. switchable - - Zielanvisierung inserted to get the whole thing even verschlimmbessern was still an automatic. These Targets, if anything, the opponents completely arbitrary , and is really only in boss fights to use it.
opponent? Well, opponent is something very private. An AI is not really there, but there are just more enemies. And in combination with the bad camera you will die often, but this is not bad, since every 2 meters is a checkpoint and remain one dead enemy dead too. Apart from the normal enemies, there are between opponents, such as a Rancor or ATST. Both can not really be fought in close combat, because they just trample you. So they must be defeated from afar via bolts, or thrown at the gruesome Zielvisierung with objects. This takes forever and is boring. Closing the whole, as well as the struggles against the raid bosses, which can be defeated but by pure time shaking the Wiimote, an animation with Quicktimevents, which consist only of 'Shake Wiimote' or 'Shake Nunchuck'.
And because the game was too short apparently, I've played through in under 6 hours, is thought the developers, we could actually go through some levels several times for different missions. Lazy sacks! You might want to still reasonably fun, try out Wii exclusive multiplayer mode. After all, this increases the volume a bit.
So now I think everything I mentioned.
STOP! One more thing, the loading times. Level Start long loading pause. New Level section, loading pause. Cutscene, loading pause. Open the menu, load break. Open submenu, load break. Back to the previous menu, load break. Back to the game, loading pause. I think you know what I mean, many of which are only two or three seconds, but damn it for every action! CONTINUOUSLY!

+ Nice Story
+ Cool last raid bosses
+ You play the bad guys (initially)
+ power use is not boring
+ class Soundtrack
eye carcinogenic graphics
-Slow Downs
-bumbling German language edition works
not-horrible Target recognition
camera operator as they were 10 years
-level design from the stone age
-No enemy AI available
intermediate bosses boring and back hollow is
-scale scarce
shop to St. indefinitely

What can I say. Somehow I want to love the game like. But in every nook and end it spits in my face or give me a kick in the balls. And when I consider that the Xbox360/PS3 version has even less than this level, I feel even worse than me already is. Hm .. what am I doing here only given as a rating ... ? Exactly! How about three Lord Helmchen and two cans of dog food! The information center says: hands off!


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